Shutting down sports, and the lockdowns in general, were not an unforced error. Lockdowns were a planned and executed strategy to pave the way for mask mandates and mass injections. Do you want your life back? OK, you can have your life back. Just wear a mask and get this shot. All of that frightening "evidence" of a deadly pandemic was a massive propaganda campaign that had no basis in reality. Why did they do it? That's a question for the DOD.

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As usual our side seems to bury the plot.

"Even after we learned almost immediately that the mRNA vaccines were effectively useless at preventing transmission,"

The EU had the head of Pfizer answer the question, did the injection stop transmission and infection and the answer was NO. Not "effectively useless". they were never tested against COVID. They injected two cohorts and measured the total number of antibodies. No care if those antibodies worked against the virus.


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To take it a step further, there was no novel virus to work against. Symptoms were non-specific (hundreds of viruses constantly circulate). Both serological testing and PCR testing were fraudulent, base on made up sequence in a database. (see the work of Jonathan Engler and Jessica Hockett)

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I keep looking for the ‘why?’ Why did they do this? But maybe there is no reason. It was just hysterical that snowballed. Maybe it was all planned out in advance, but, who would have thought to involve sports teams in the plan?

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The same WHY as always

All these policies transferred wealth from the poor to the wealthy

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